
Reviews of a superb way to learn Spanish quickly and easily

Learn Spanish Online with Rocket Spanish

Rocket Spanish premium download course

Are you looking for a fun, easy-to-follow course
that gives you the confidence to speak Spanish?

You're in the right place!

"Your lessons are interesting and practical, they cover a variety of actual situations
that I encounter... you just can't beat that."

...I'm on a continuous quest to achieve fluency... so I've tried many products and self study programs. All of them have been boring or require a degree of discipline that I just can't manage. Your lessons are interesting and practical, they cover a variety of actual situations that I encounter... you just can't beat that. The commute in my car becomes a learning session, the computer games are much better than flashcards and the scoring appeals to those with a competitive nature... Quit looking and get learning!
Wayne Cramer
Learn Rocket Spanish like Wayne
"Rocket Spanish Premium is effective, because it includes several different tools that match different learning styles, and that are useful in different situations."

Hello, Rocket Spanish Premium is effective, because it includes several different tools that match different learning styles, and that are useful in different situations... I used the Rocket Spanish Premium program several times a week for about 6 months while I was preparing for a mission trip to Honduras... Once I was in Honduras, I found that course had really improved my ability to listen to spoken Spanish and recognize the key words and phrases. Even when the speakers were using new vocabulary that was unfamiliar to me, I was able to gather enough from what I did understand to get the general meaning...
The real-world experience in Honduras worked just like the Interactive lessons I had been using for practice.
So, whether you are interested in learning Spanish for your job, to communicate with neighbours, or if you are planning to travel to a Spanish speaking country, Rocket Spanish Premium program is a great place to get started.
Mark Taylor

Success Story #1: Jennifer Lewis

"They (Rocket Spanish Premium) have really taken what you can do in a year and a half or two years and put it down to three months of learning. I really don't know how they did it but I would honestly say it does work."

Hello everyone,
My name is Jennifer Lewis, I really want to take the time out to thank everyone there at Rocket Spanish Premium for coming up with such a great program for people out there that are really thinking seriously about learning Spanish fluently and in a very, very short period of time.They have really taken what you can do in a year and a half or two years and put it down to three months of learning. I really don't know how they did it but I would honestly say it does work...
...I would say the least they definitely get on their word when they say you will learn Spanish within three months, you definitely will if you put in the time...
...I don't mean to keep talking but I'm just so excited that someone finally, you know, is not just trying to rip people off..
I just want to thank everyone there at Rocket Spanish Premium for coming up with something that it's just so great, it's just pretty amazing to me and I just thank God that you know I finally have the ticket.
Jennifer Lewis
Jennifer learns to speak Spanish online

Success Story #2: Joan Richards

"One big benefit of Rocket Spanish Premium is the enjoyment of all the lessons, we always look forward to the next one."

Listen to what Joan has to say about Rocket Spanish

My Name is Joan Richards.
Since leaving the UK, my husband and I have lived permanently in the Costa Blanca in Spain.
We had been searching for some Spanish tuition that would appeal to us and this introduction to Rocket Spanish Premium was just the job. We decided to get the full Rocket Spanish Premium package and we have been delighted with the course.
One big benefit of Rocket Spanish Premium is the enjoyment of all the lessons, we always look forward to the next one. One important factor of the course is the pleasant voices, both Mauricio and Amy are easy to listen to and understand.
If you have any doubts about purchasing Rocket Spanish Premium, try the free lessons first, as we did, and we are sure you will realise that here is a Spanish language course that you can adapt to your own way of learning and one that is fun in to the bargain.
Joan Richards

Success Story #3: Raymon West

"The benefits of it it's that I've been listening to it in the car as I drive, playing the games and things and it's really helped me improve my Spanish skills..."

Raymon learns to speak Spanish online
My name is Raymon West . I just wanted to say that I would definitely recommend Rocket Spanish Premium to other people, I love it It's a great program. The benefits of it it's that I've been listening to it in the car as I drive, playing the games and things and it's really helped me improve my Spanish skills, specially in the area of grammar, I had some rudimentary Spanish skills but I've discovered I wasn't speaking properly and this has really helped me improve my grammar.
I live in Texas... South Texas actually, so this is helpful in communicating with the Spanish speaking people that live in my area and I also travel to Mexico quite a bit and I enjoy speaking my enhanced Spanish there now, so I really appreciate it. If other people want to buy Rocket Spanish Premium, I think that it would be a great purchase, I would highly recommend it, I've tried other Spanish programs and this one is definitely the best. So once again, thanks for a great product. Bye.
Raymon West

Success Story #4: Petra Stark

"Rocket Spanish Premium is really so friendly and comfortable and it was a perfect match for the way that I study."

Petra Learn't Rocket Spanish
Hi My name is Petra Stark.
I recently graduated from the college of William Mary, last semester I had to take some intensive Spanish classes and I needed to get up to speed really fast and I'm not that good at languages and William Mary it's pretty tough. So, I asked last Christmas my parents for, actually I asked them for **Competitor**, but my mum did a lot of research, which she is really good at and I ended up with Rocket Spanish Premium instead.
So in Christmas I got a big box with my Rocket Spanish Premium sign on, two big binders with the printed lessons, all the burned CD's and I was in business and I started exactly on the Christmas holiday going through them and I was really thrilled.
Rocket Spanish Premium is really so friendly and comfortable and it was a perfect match for the way that I study I guess the way that I learn. I was doing a lot of driving between school and my parents house and my boyfriend and spent a lot of time in the car and those CD's in the car were just terrific. It really it probably looks fine to outsiders when I'm speaking to myself in the car, but it really, really truly helps to say out loud and over and over again.
I specially liked the long pauses in the lessons so I can practice out loud. I also like the emails that I get with the little tips on grammar and phrases and cultural explanations, they are good little diversion between the real lessons. Travelling, recently, this last year I went to Costa Rica and Panama in one trip, and I just got back from Thailand and I'm going to China this fall. The thing about the travelling in Costa Rica and Panama is that I wasn't afraid, I could just start to talk, I had my background of base verbs and conjugations, I knew some phrases, It was just a great building block that I could just jump in and start to talk. So I can say the greatest single thing about Rocket Spanish Premium is that I'm not afraid to start speaking anymore and that's not just in Spanish, when I was in Thailand, I know Cero Thai but because I had the confidence from Rocket Spanish Premium I was just doing the best I could in Thai and getting by Speaking. Nothing bad ever happened and only good things happened when you just start speaking to people, they always been respondent, really helpful and kind. So I want to thank you for your program, Thank you for the Mp3 offer that little push made me do what I should have done before, which is to tell you what terrific program you have and I would recommend it to anyone and very, very grateful for the opportunity.
So.. gracias y hasta luego, this is Petra Stark. Thank you, Bye.
Petra Stark.
Rocket Spanish
Audio Lessons
Voice Comparison
iPod/MP3 compatible
Listening comprehension
Conversation Practice
Culture Lessons
Online Quizzes 
Progress Tracking
Lifetime Access 
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